F. Conz editions: Trajectories of a unique publishing experience

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Edizioni F. Conz. Editions by Francesco Conz 1972-2009. A Catalogue Raisonné

Hantje Cantz Verlag

ISBN 9783775756013



This publication is the first comprehensive catalogue raisonné of the editions published by Conz between 1972 and 2009. Comprising more than 500 editions, it is both a reflection of his passions and a memorial to the art of the avant-gardes.

Edited by Hubewrtus von Ameluncen & Mariamargherita Maceli

With the support of Patrizio Peterlini

Contributions by: Hubertus von Amelunxen, Eugen Gomringer, Dick Higgins, Milan Knižak, Alison Knowles, Patrizio Peterlini, Emmett Williams, Nicholas Zurbrugg, complete the richly illustrated catalogue.


The Edizioni Conz of the Italian collector, publisher and photographer Francesco Conz – including portfolios, large silkscreen prints on fabrics and objects – are among the finest and most elaborate art editions of the second half of the 20th century. A friend and patron of Viennese Actionism, Fluxus, Concrete Poetry, and Lettrism, he was an obsessive, knowledgeable enthusiast open to all the arts, for whom hospitality, the magic of community, and respect for the arts were more important than any mercantile aspirations.